Professional furniture assembly for your ecommerce

Get more customers

Sell your furniture and incorporate the assembly service from your website with our exclusive module for e-commerce, without worrying about anything.

Customer process

How does it work?

hellohand montaje muebles profesional móvil

One-click checkout

A new step will be added during the checkout process for the customer to choose the assembly option and where they will be able to see the price automatically without having to leave your website.

The customer selects the date and time of the assembly service.

We adapt to the client's schedule so that you can provide them with maximum flexibility and professionalism. The client will always choose a date and time after the arrival of their furniture.

HelloHand will carry out the assembly at the customer's premises.

We will get in touch with the client, rewarding professionals close to the clients in order to reduce costs and offer an efficient service to your clients.

We notify the e-commerce after the end of their service.

Stay informed at all times about the service you provide to your customers with HelloHand's professionals.

Why HelloHand

Enhance your website with our service and improve your customers' experience.


Assembling your furniture easily and safely


Simple communication with your customers


You will have full control of your income


Gana rapidez y abarata tus costes


Your furniture assembled by professionals

More orders

Consigue más pedidos y una cesta media mayor

Deja tu email y nuestro equipo de especialistas contactará contigo en menos de 24h

    operario hellohand

    Easy integration

    Offers professional home assembly by integrating our API

    Ofrece a tus clientes la comodidad de contratar un servicio de montaje profesional desde tu e-commerce. Con nuestra solución integrable, consigue nuevos clientes y haz crecer tus ventas .

    Si vendes muebles u otros artículos que requieran montaje, nuestra plataforma se adapta a tus necesidades. Con solo unos simples pasos, tus clientes podrán contratar expertos en montaje para dejar todo listo.

    Amplía tu catálogo de servicios y brinda una experiencia completa a tus clientes al integrar nuestro módulo en tu ecommerce.


    What real customers who have used the HELLOHAND service have said about us in the purchasing process.

    Where we are

    Coming soon to all other cities!







    We clarify your doubts

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Yes, you can easily install our module for your customers to choose the assembly service.

    The e-commerce will receive the money for the installation, HelloHand will invoice HelloHand from time to time for the services provided.

    When an order has contracted the assembly service and it passes to the state of "Payment accepted" HelloHand will be notified with the detail of the products and services. Once HelloHand is aware of this, we will contact the customer to provide the service.

    Yes, the customer will select the date and time of their choice.

    Just one more step, by simply clicking on the assembly option, where you will also be shown the concrete price of the assembly.

    Yes, the cost of assembly is shown separately, which simplifies this step as much as possible. As it is treated as a product, it does not influence the rest of the ticket and does not affect your invoicing in the event of a change.

    No, solo en aquellos códigos postales donde HelloHand preste servicio

    Yes, all our fitters are professional fitters, there is nothing to worry about.

    Yes, the module is 100% customisable in terms of styles.

    Funded by the European Union - Next Generation EU